Indianapolis Rotary Foundation (IRF) Community Grant Application

Purpose of the Awards

The first purpose of the Indianapolis Rotary Foundation (Foundation), as stated in its founding documents, is to promote charitable and educational purposes within the State of Indiana and such other charitable and educational purposes deemed appropriate by its Board of Directors. To satisfy this goal, the Foundation requests the Online Application below be submitted from community organizations that wish to be considered for one of five Community Grants.

Only organizations serving predominantly Central Indiana residents are eligible for Community Grants.


The Foundation intends to award five grants as follows.

• Three grants of $25,000, each
• Two grants of $10,000, each

Depending on the available funds and the quality of the applications, the Foundation reserves the right to alter the quantity and amount of grants awarded.

For consideration of a Community Grant, applicants must comply with the following application process. Organizations that do not comply with the process will be automatically disqualified from consideration for a grant.

  • Application
    • Submit the Online Application as prescribed below by midnight on Wednesday, June 18, 2025.
    • This online application does not allow for progressive entry or saving. Please have your responses ready when you start the application.
    • Please forward a copy of your most recent Form 990 to
    • Successfully submitted applications will be directed to a confirmation page.
  •  Finalists
    • The Indianapolis Rotary Foundation will select a group of finalists by Tuesday, September 2, 2025.
    • Finalists are required to submit their 501(c)(3) determination letter and an audited or reviewed financial statement from a CPA by Wednesday, October 1, 2025. It is required that the requested financial statements be submitted as a single PDF document to
    • Foundation board members will conduct site visits with each of the finalist organizations.
  • Grant Recipients
    • Grant recipients will be selected by the Foundation and notified by Monday, December 1, 2025.
    • Grant recipients shall complete and submit a Final Grant Report to the Foundation due on the date indicated by the Foundation in its award notification letter.

The Foundation reserves the right to modify any and all terms of this application process.

2025-26 Indianapolis Rotary Foundation Community Grant Application

  • Grant amount being requested. Your grant request will be disqualified if you apply for both amounts.
  • Please tell us the legal name of your organization.
  • 0 of 15 max characters
    Please provide your organization's Federal Employers Identification Number (FEIN).
    Does your organization have current 501(c)(3) exempt status? Applicants must be a 501(c)(3). Finalists will be required to submit a copy of their IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter.
  • 0 of 4 max characters
    Please provide the year your organization was approved with 501(c)(3) status.
  • ...
    Each submission will also be time stamped to verify it was received in a timely manor.
  • Name of primary person responsible for this grant application. This individual will be the point of contact for the duration of the grant process.
  • Please provide the address for your organization. If you have multiple locations, please provide the local address.
  • Best phone number to reach your primary contact.
  • Email address for your primary contact.
  • Please provide your website address. Use your local domain if applicable
  • Please provide the name of your Executive Director/ CEO.
  • Please provide the name of your Board Chair/ President.
  • Please list the names and employers of your board members.
  • 0 of 50 max characters
    Please provide a number for the most recent fiscal year for your organization's total annual budget.
  • 0 of 500 max characters
    Please provide a BRIEF description of your organization and its mission.
  • What is your organization's primary focus, please select all that apply. SELECT YOUR PRIMARY FOCUS FIRST....THEN SELECT OTHERS THAT APPLY. YOU MUST HOLD DOWN THE CTRL KEY WHEN SELECTING MULTIPLE ITEMS 1) Animal Welfare: Shelter, food, control, neutering etc 2) Civic Affairs: Programs related to criminal justice, community development, employment, citizens’ involvement, leadership training, and other community activities 3) Cultural Affairs: Programs which are designed to establish a cultural program that offers widespread opportunities for participation and appreciation 4) Education: Programs in pre-school, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education, and special education programs; 5) Environment: Programs focusing on environment and beautification 6) Health and Medical: Support of rehabilitation centers, not-for-profit health and medical related programs including safety and wellness and recreational programs; 7) Social Services: Support of human service organizations, programs for children and youth, and services to the aged;
  • 0 of 500 max characters
    If you selected "other", please provide a brief description here.
  • 0 of 300 max characters
    Briefly, Who is the primary audience and/or beneficiary of the project funded by the grant?
  • 0 of 300 max characters
    Briefly, what will be the primary use of the grant funds?
  • 0 of 1500 max characters
    Describe the need/ problem being addressed by applying for this grant.
  • 0 of 1500 max characters
    Outline how you will use the requested funds to impact the need/ problem.
  • 0 of 1500 max characters
    Please describe the program’s intended outcome.
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
    If awarded, when will the program happen? How long will it run?
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
    Please provide details on how awarded funds will be spent. If needed, please list other funding sources required to fund your program.
  • 0 of 5 max characters
    What percentage of the total program budget will be covered by the Rotary Grant, if awarded
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
    Please explain the sustainability, after funding, of the program, if applicable.
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
    Please tell us how our Rotary members can volunteer with this program and help your organization.
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
    How does the requested grant further our Indianapolis Rotary Foundation mission to fund charitable and educational purposes, in the Central Indiana area?
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
    List visible ways in which a grant from the Indianapolis Rotary Foundation will be acknowledged.
  • 0 of 1500 max characters
    Use this space to provide any additional information that might be helpful to understand your grant application.
    By answering yes, I acknowledge: 1) I understand Community Grants are reserved for 501(c)(3) organizations that serve the Central Indiana area and my organization fits this description. 2) Responses are accurate to the best of my knowledge. 3) I am aware of the deadline dates set forth in this application. 4) I agree to furnish a copy of our most recent 990.