- March 25: Joe Hale
- 2025 Community Grants: Apply Online
- 2025-27 Board of Directors Announced
- Nominations Open for ROAR Award
- April 23: Corporate Members Event
- March 22: Flanner House Volunteer Opportunity
- February 18: Arnold Elston – Ignite App
- Rotary Club of Indianapolis Sponsors Two High Schoolers at District Speech Competition
- Tuesday Programs Relocating to The Rathskeller Effective Immediately
February 25: Women’s History Month Panel

We’re excited to announce a special program on Tuesday as we kick off Women’s History Month. The History Committee has organized an incredible panel featuring four outstanding female leaders:
• Katelyn Colclazier of Meyer Najem
• Beatrice Cork of Global Refuge
• Monica Peterson of Ivy Tech Community College
• Erin Weesner of Pacers Sports & Entertainment
These women will share their insights on important topics such as leading in male-dominated industries, navigating work-life balance, tackling gender bias, and much more. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from some of the best in the field and learn from their experiences.
We encourage you to invite a colleague or friend to join us for what promises to be an inspiring and thought-provoking discussion.
All are welcome at Rotary programs. If attending in-person at The Rathskeller reservations and prepayment are appreciated, but not required. Register on Square at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/. If registering on site we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. You can view the lunch menu here.
Lunch and networking start at 11:45 a.m. and the program runs 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
To join our meeting via Zoom starting at 12:15 p.m. go to https://zoom.us/j/710170874?pwd=bFE4ejJTc29IMlNzVmx1Wlg4MTA1UT09. While our Tuesday programs via Zoom are free to attend a suggested donation of $3 – $5 is appreciated in lieu of the typical room fee. These contributions help defray the cost of our hybrid meetings. Please note that donations to the Rotary Club of Indianapolis are not tax deductible. You can support our hybrid meetings at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/.
Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795
If joining via a mobile phone for audio only click one of the following numbers:
+13126266799,,710170874#,,#,821795# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,710170874#,,#,821795# US (New York)
You can also join us from a landline phone.
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795