July 13: André Carson

By on July 9, 2021
Join us Tuesday to hear from André Carson. Congressman Carson is in his 7th full term in the U.S. House of Representatives, has established himself as an influential leader and respected public servant, fighting for good paying jobs, economic growth, and safer communities for Indiana’s working families. 

Congressman Carson consistently fights for the middle class, securing hundreds of millions for investments in public safety, education, infrastructure, and the creation and protection of thousands of good paying jobs. Additionally, the congressman has made accessibility a priority for his office, holding regular meetings around Indianapolis and hosting Congress on Your Corner events to ensure constituents have easy access to the resources and information they need.
Since being elected to Congress, Congressman Carson has joined a number of caucuses, coalitions, and tasks forces that focus on some of the issues that he considers to be top priorities in the 7th District and around the country. Together with other like-minded Members of Congress, he has worked to bring about solutions to some of the most important issues facing our city and nation. Some of his memberships include: the Congressional Black Caucus, the Progressive Caucus, the New Democrat Coalition, and the LGBT Equality Caucus.
Congressman Carson is a proud Indianapolis native, having grown up on the city’s east side. He is a graduate of Arsenal Tech High School, and he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Management from Concordia University-Wisconsin and a Master’s in Business Management from Indiana Wesleyan University. 
Before taking office, Congressman Carson served on the Indianapolis City-County Council and worked full-time in law enforcement. He also worked in intelligence and counter-terrorism for the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and served at the Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center. There he worked in an anti-terrorism unit to protect Indianapolis and the United States from terrorist threats at home and abroad.
Due to Congressman Carson’s schedule, he will be joining us via Zoom.
All are welcome at Rotary programs. If attending in-person at Ivy Tech Culinary and Conference Center reservations and prepayment are appreciated, but not required. Register on Square at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/. Lunch will be available starting at 11:45 a.m. and the program runs 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. 

To join our meeting via Zoom starting at 12:15 p.m. go to https://zoom.us/j/710170874?pwd=bFE4ejJTc29IMlNzVmx1Wlg4MTA1UT09. While our Tuesday programs via Zoom are free to attend a suggested donation of $3 – $5 is appreciated in lieu of the typical room fee. These contributions help defray the cost of our hybrid meetings. Please note that donations to the Rotary Club of Indianapolis are not tax deductible. You can support our hybrid meetings at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/

Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795

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Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795

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