COVID-19 Virus Update

By on March 12, 2020

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis cares deeply about the health and well-being of our members. We continue to monitor the situation and are working with both Ivy Tech and MBP Catering to maintain the safe and sanitary environment that we use for our lunch meetings. MBP will be serving box lunches Tuesday. You will find extra hand sanitizer at our check-in, hospitality, and the lunch line.

All meetings and events will continue as scheduled, unless otherwise informed.

In the meantime, here are a few tips to help prevent the spread of any germs:
1. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and anytime you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose.
2. Cover your mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze with your arm.
3. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
4. If you feel sick or are running a fever higher than 99 degrees, please do not come to an event.
5. In lieu of shaking hands, fist- or elbow-bump or simply exchange a pleasant greeting without touching.
6. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
7. Use hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol when hand washing is not readily available.

Know the Symptoms of COVID-19

Thanks for helping us keep Rotarians healthy and safe! See you next Tuesday!

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