May 21: HVAF Backpacks For Homeless Veterans

By on May 21, 2019

Work together to pack backpacks for homeless veterans

Every night, veterans wander the streets of Indiana’s cities and towns looking for a place to sleep or a hot meal. The Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reports 5,258 homeless persons in Indiana on any given night. Of that figure, approximately 540 are veterans. Nightly, there are over 40,056 homeless veterans nationally and 1.4 million veterans are considered at risk of homelessness. Sadly, these veterans who are now homeless are the same veterans who served our country with courage, self-sacrifice, honor, dignity, and pride. These veterans are America’s forgotten heroes. They fought for our freedom on the battlefield, and now they and their families fight daily for their survival on America’s streets.

Join us on Tuesday, May 21 as we hear from HVAF, the nonprofit who supports Indiana’s homeless veterans.  We’ll also work together to pack backpacks with life essentials, which will be distributed to those in need.

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