June 4: Brian Payne, President and CEO, CICF

By on May 30, 2019

Join us Tuesday as we hear from Brian Payne the President and CEO of the $800 million Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) and The Indianapolis Foundation. Since he joined CICF in November 2000, the foundation’s annual grantmaking has more than doubled to over $50 million. CICF’s mission is to mobilize people, ideas and investments to create a community where all individuals have an equitable opportunity to reach their full potential—no matter place, race or identity.

Brian is the founder/artistic director of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick. The national consulting firm, Project for Public Spaces, chose the Indianapolis Cultural Trail as the best North American example of a big, bold, transformative project that is changing the way we think of cities and city life. The US Department of Transportation awarded the Cultural Trail a $20.5 million TIGER I grant, one of only 51 grants awarded out of 1,400 proposals submitted in a merit-based competitive process.

Brian and CICF are currently leading two more transportation initiatives. One is an effort to integrate all of Indianapolis’ transportation assets into a robust personal mobility network where customized multi-modal transportation solutions are equitably delivered to a person’s smart phone. The other is an effort to create an additional 50 miles of protected bike lanes, multi-modal paths and sidewalks to the Indianapolis transportation infrastructure with a focus on underserved neighborhoods.

Brian presently serves on the boards of the Indy Chamber, Visit Indy, TeenWorks, and the Indiana Repertory Theatre. Locally, he serves as the Board Chair of The District Theatre and the Vice-Chair of the IUPUI Advisory Board. Nationally, he is the board chair of Forward Cities, an organization committed to helping cities build inclusive economic growth.

All are welcome at Rotary programs. The lunch buffet opens at Ivy Tech Culinary and Conference Center at 11:45 a.m. and the program runs 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. See you there!

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