November 7th 5:31 Club: Bonna Station, Irvington

By on October 24, 2018

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis’ popular, monthly social gathering, The 5:31 Club, will convene at Bonna Station in Irvington. Enjoy the full bar, food, free neighborhood parking, and your Rotarian friends. 5:31 pm at 130 South Audubon in Irvington, 128 S Audubon Rd, Indianapolis Indiana

5:31 meet-and-greets are our most popular event get-togethers. Just “show-up! Or, for more details contact the Rotary at 317-631-3733! They are a fun way to get to know folks outside of our regular Tuesday programs. We always meet at a new location somewhere in the city and it is never dull!

About Indy Rotary