December 5, Tree Trimming Party with Riley Kids

By on November 13, 2013

It is time again to kick-off our Community Service Project, Rotary Christmas with Riley Kids. Our project consists of two wonderful opportunities to bring a touch of joy to Riley Kids and families who will be spending their holiday season at Riley Hospital. We will, once again, place our Plea Tree at the weekly luncheons through December 10th. We will also host Rotary Christmas with Riley Kids Party (Riley’s Tree Trimming Party.)

It is estimated that 200 children and their families will wake up Christmas morning in their hospital bed and room rather than nestled together in their own homes. The generosity of treasure and time that we can give this season may bring a smile to a child, but will also provide a touch of warmth in the heart of the giver.

Rotarians and Friends at Riley

Holiday Cards On Sale NOW!
Purchase your Riley Holiday Cards at Tuesday meetings (by the Plea Tree table). Proceeds to go to Riley and the Indianapolis Rotary Foundation. Packs of 10 are @20.00 each.

Plea Tree (Gift Donation):
The tree will be displayed at the weekly luncheons each Tuesday from November 12 – December 10th. We are asking for two volunteers to host the Plea Tree each week. Ornaments will adorn the tree displaying gifts for Riley kids selected from a Riley Gift wish list. You may pull off an ornament displaying the gift you would like to purchase or there will be a gift guide available at the table. Please bring the gift unwrapped to the Plea Tree table on or before December 10th. If you would like to contribute money, rather than purchase a gift, please feel free to do so and we will purchase the gift on your behalf. (Checks may be made out to the Rotary Club of Indianapolis. Please write, “Riley Project,” in the memo line).

The gifts will be presented at a formal presentation to the Riley Foundation Director along with Riley Kids on Thursday, December 12th by President Scott Armstrong and Executive Director, Susie Harmless.

Tree Trimming Party:
This is a party held for all Riley patients and their families in the Atrium of Riley Hospital. We host the party with our Rotarian volunteers. All of the Riley patients who are physically able to come out of their rooms and beds along with their loved ones join in the festivities of holiday music, ornament making and trimming of the tree. This is an experience that I assure you the treasure is not what you receive, but what you give.

We need 25 volunteers for the Tree Trimming Riley Christmas Party on December 5th from 5:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. held at the Riley Hospital Atrium. Please contact Jessica Bex for additional information or to volunteer; jessicab[at] or 317-860-1556

About Indy Rotary

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis was founded in 1913, just eight years after the formation of the first club in Chicago. We are a diverse and vibrant club with nearly 200 members. Club meetings are on Tuesday's at noon at Ivy Tech Community College Culinary and Conference Center, are open to the public and are concluded by 1:30 p. m. or before. Come join us!

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