Participate in a Polio Immunization Exercise in Togo, West Africa!

By on July 31, 2013

Play a part in an upcoming trip to Togo, West Africa in October 2013 to participate in a polio immunization exercise, attend the 9th Annual West Africa Project Fair, and engage in a hands-on work project.

Trip Dates: October 15 – 24, 2013
Travel to: Lomé, Togo, West Africa
Per Person Price: $1,689, double occupancy

Program includes: Hotel accommodations, transfers, most meals, polio immunization exercise, hands-on community service field work, West Africa Project Fair registration, special Rotary and fellowship events, sightseeing, etc.

Have you ever heard a Rotarian speak about their personal experience participating in a polio eradication exercise, a cleft lip/cleft palate mission, or work on a humanitarian grant? These trips have a profound effect upon the individual. For those of you who have gone on one of these trips you know, and for those of you who have yet to enjoy this experience, you should.

The experiences you have on one of these trips stay with you forever. You get up early in the morning, travel with local Rotarians to a village, health clinic or impoverished neighborhood, and for the next few hours, you change. Small children come up to you to say thank you. Mothers and fathers smile at you knowing that you are giving their child a chance for a better life. You meet with the leaders in the village to learn of their needs and their hopes. It is hot; it is dusty; it makes you uncomfortable; it is exquisite.

The West Africa Project Fair is endorsed by Rotary’s Reach Out to Africa Committee (ROTA), who is trying to generate greater connectivity between the African and North American Rotarians to generate greater support of the projects of Africa. Your involvement, or your club’s involvement, in this Fair would not only provide an opportunity for project support, it would also help your members to grow and to understand the benefits of being a Rotarian. Involvement in Rotary gives the ordinary Rotarian extraordinary opportunities to do things that they could never do anywhere else. This trip is just such an experience.

For more information contact Bradford R. Howard, PDG:
Phone: (510) 834-2260
FAX: (510) 834-1019
E-mail: Rotary[at]

About Indy Rotary

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis was founded in 1913, just eight years after the formation of the first club in Chicago. We are a diverse and vibrant club with nearly 200 members. Club meetings are on Tuesday's at noon at Ivy Tech Community College Culinary and Conference Center, are open to the public and are concluded by 1:30 p. m. or before. Come join us!

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