Salvation Army

By on April 16, 2013

The Salvation Army is first and foremost a religious institution, where each week members of communities throughout Indiana gather at Salvation Army corps community centers and centers of service to worship on Sunday. Worship programs are also conducted throughout the week. As the world’s largest non-profit charity organization, The Salvation Army meets the humanitarian needs of people in need, guiding them to physical, mental and spiritual betterment. Throughout the state of Indiana, the Salvation Army exists as a catalyst in helping people change their lives for the better. Successful and proven Salvation Army programs each day assist the homeless, addicted, poor, afflicted, elderly and less-fortunate youth in our community.

About Indy Rotary

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis was founded in 1913, just eight years after the formation of the first club in Chicago. We are a diverse and vibrant club with nearly 200 members. Club meetings are on Tuesday's at noon at Ivy Tech Community College Culinary and Conference Center, are open to the public and are concluded by 1:30 p. m. or before. Come join us!

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