Charlie Williams Dethrones Ralph Taylor at the Brickyard

By on June 6, 2011

Ralph Taylor was dethroned at the Brickyard Crossing Golf Outing and “Fun Day”on D-day Monday (6/6/11); Charlie Williams is the new Champion (58 net) and he received a $50 gift certificate from Ruth Chris Steak House. Congrats Charlie! Steve Ivy, Evan Goodman, and Janice Newsome finished 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The low net out of 24 golfers was a 72 scored by Walter Hart (he received a $100 gift certificate from Mr. Handyman) and 2nd was a 73 by Steve Buyer. Eleven hole prizes were doled out at the 19th hole J All golfers received gifts from IU Health and Mr. Handyman plus two Brickyard golf balls and a Brickyard towel.

It should also be noted that Steve Buyer got a “double eagle” (hole in one) on the par four 276 yard 14th hole but didn’t get the “hole prize” as it was “closest to the hole in two”! Yes, you are reading this correctly, a hole in one on a par four!

Thanks again to Ramona Adams and Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Steve Ivy of IU Health, and Allen Furrer of Mr. Handyman for being sponsors at our Brickyard Outing.

This Monday, 6/13/11, we will be back at River Glen. Just tell the cashier in the clubhouse that you are with “Rotary Golf” to obtain our special rate ($19 walkers; $25 riders) and report to the tee by 3:10 pm. We socialize after nine at the 19th hole and those that want to can play the back nine at no additional cost.

Also this Monday, the 5:31 Club will join us in the clubhouse after nine. It will be a PARTY!

Finally, hold Tuesday, August 30, for our final outing and awards night tentatively scheduled to be at Broadmoor CC with tee times starting at 2:30 pm. We are now soliciting sponsors for this.

Remember, it never rains on Rotary Golf!

About Indy Rotary

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis was founded in 1913, just eight years after the formation of the first club in Chicago. We are a diverse and vibrant club with nearly 200 members. Club meetings are on Tuesday's at noon at Ivy Tech Community College Culinary and Conference Center, are open to the public and are concluded by 1:30 p. m. or before. Come join us!

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