Rotary Christmas Party for Riley Kids Brings Cheer!

By on December 2, 2010

On December 2nd, Rotarian’s spent an evening at the Rotary Christmas Party for Riley Kids! Said Brenda Jackson, “Everyone was just awesome. What a joy to know we were able to give a little bit of Christmas and Holiday cheer to the children and their families. Kudos to Riley for being such a fabulous place to be when not such fabulous things are happening in a family’s life.”

Sheila Carlson took many pictures of the evening, which you can see here. There were many memories. Seeing Rotarian Danny O’Malia deligently placing glue onto paper so a child could create a Christmas masterpiece, all the while his lovely Santa tie dipping in glitter gave no bother to him. And, then there was the cheer in the air as each and every volunteer laughed, high-fiveed and worked so hard with the children to make sure their ornament was the best of the entire evening. It gave meaning to Christmas and Service Above Self.

About Indy Rotary

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis was founded in 1913, just eight years after the formation of the first club in Chicago. We are a diverse and vibrant club with nearly 200 members. Club meetings are on Tuesday's at noon at Ivy Tech Community College Culinary and Conference Center, are open to the public and are concluded by 1:30 p. m. or before. Come join us!

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