Calnali (Mexico) Microfinance Project Launches Website

By on August 19, 2010

Author: Sara Anne Hook

The Calnali Microfinance Project provides small loans and other support—training, education on basic financial management—to citizens in Calnali, State of Hidalgo, Mexico so that they can become self-sufficient, provide for their families, offer needed products in their communities and share their traditional crafts throughout Mexico and the world.

The intent of a microfinance project is that the people who receive loans pay the loans back with interest, thus maintaining and even growing the pool of funds for the next set of potential entrepreneurs. The project also includes training for the participants, not only on their particular craft/endeavor, but also basic money management and business management. There are three main targets of the loans at this time: sewing school uniforms, traditional embroidery and beading, and pottery.

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