Don't Miss
- February 25: Women’s History Month Panel
- March 12: 5:31 Club
- February 18: Arnold Elston – Ignite App
- Rotary Club of Indianapolis Sponsors Two High Schoolers at District Speech Competition
- Congrats To Our New Officers
- 2024-2025 Indianapolis Rotary Foundation Community Grants
- Tuesday Programs Relocating to The Rathskeller Effective Immediately
Salvation Army Bell Ringing!
By Indy Rotary on November 20, 2009
It’s that time of year again! The first three Thursdays in December: 3rd, 10th, 17th we will be ringing the bells for the Salvation Army. Same place as last year, Circle Center Mall, parking garage escalator landing near Harry & Izzy’s. Sign ups are starting now! Please call Fred Lesh at 251-2638 or Jennifer Hobbs at 237-5610 to schedule your one hour time slot ( two Rotarians per time slot ) from 11 A. M. – 7 P.M. with a friend or meet a new Rotarian. Remember in the spitir of the Holidays it is about beating the Kiwanians!!