Rotary Golf Season Ends with “Fun Day”

By on September 20, 2009

Twenty-two different golfers participated this year at River Glen and South Grove Golf Courses on Mondays starting on May 4 and finishing on August 31 with the annual “Fun Day”. The weather cooperated the whole year on Mondays with Rotary Golf never being “rained out”; remember, it never rains on Rotary Golf.

Shortest drive on Hole #1 was won by Tom Fischer. He said “Being District Governor kept me busy and this was my first outing this year.” Holes #2 and #5 were the longest putt and they were won by Dave Leonards and Jim Bethel, respectively. Holes #3 and #7 were par threes and closest to the pin was Steve Ivy and Mike Crowley, respectively. Hole #4 was closest to the creek and was won by Fred Brammes. Hole #6 was longest drive with Dan Shelley the winner. Hole #8 was closest to the pin on the shot that crosses the creek and Evan Goodman was the winner. Hole #9 was closest to the pin on the third shot and Jim Caldwell was the winner. Low Gross was Dan Shelley; High Gross was Tom Fisher; and Low Net was Fred Brames.

Course and League winners were announced at the Awards Banquet in the River Glen 19th Hole. River Glen Low Net winners for the year were Dan Shelley, 1st; Evan Goodman, 2nd; and Fred Brammes, 3rd. South Grove Low Net winners for the year were Dave Leonards, 1st; Dick Ammick, 2nd; and Steve Ivy, third. Overall Fred Brames finished 5th; Evan Goodman finished 4th; Dan Shelley finished 3rd; Dick Ammick finished 2nd; and Dave Leonards was named the 2009 Rotary “Golfer of the Year” for finishing 1st. Kirby Durham was thanked for being the score keeper this year and most went out and finished the back nine as the sun set in the West. It was a fitting ending to a gorgeous day.

About Indy Rotary

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis was founded in 1913, just eight years after the formation of the first club in Chicago. We are a diverse and vibrant club with nearly 200 members. Club meetings are on Tuesday's at noon at Ivy Tech Community College Culinary and Conference Center, are open to the public and are concluded by 1:30 p. m. or before. Come join us!

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