October 1: David Leonards & Guest Day

By on September 26, 2024
Join us Tuesday for the kickoff of our “Rotary Success Stories” series, where we celebrate the inspiring journeys of fellow Rotarians. Our first speaker is David Leonards, founder of the International Entertainment Bureau. With 52 years in the entertainment industry, David is a talented pianist and trumpeter, holding three degrees from Purdue University. His accolades include the Distinguished Service Award from the Indiana Association of Fairs, the Lifetime Achievement Award from Meeting Professionals International Indiana Chapter, and the Sagamore of the Wabash, Indiana’s highest civilian honor.

We’ll also recognize new members who joined since July, officially welcoming them to the Club. Plus, it’s Guest Day! Invite a colleague, friend, or family member to discover what Rotary is all about. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and be inspired!

All are welcome at Rotary programs. If attending in-person at the Murat Shrine reservations and prepayment are appreciated, but not required. Register on Square at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/. If registering on site we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

Lunch and networking start at 11:45 a.m. and the program runs 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.  

To join our meeting via Zoom starting at 12:15 p.m. go to https://zoom.us/j/710170874?pwd=bFE4ejJTc29IMlNzVmx1Wlg4MTA1UT09. While our Tuesday programs via Zoom are free to attend a suggested donation of $3 – $5 is appreciated in lieu of the typical room fee. These contributions help defray the cost of our hybrid meetings. Please note that donations to the Rotary Club of Indianapolis are not tax deductible. You can support our hybrid meetings at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/

Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795

If joining via a mobile phone for audio only click one of the following numbers: 
+13126266799,,710170874#,,#,821795# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,710170874#,,#,821795# US (New York)

You can also join us from a landline phone.
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795 Upcoming Programs: 
October 8: Cassie Mecklenburg, Executive Director, Sheltering Wings
October 15: Jeff McDermott, CEO, The Center for the Performing Arts

About Rotary Club of Indianapolis