October 15: Jeffrey McDermott

By on October 10, 2024
Join us Tuesday to hear from Jeffrey McDermott. McDermott has served since 2016 as President and CEO of the Allied Solutions Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel and the affiliated Great American Songbook Foundation, both headquartered at the landmark Palladium concert hall. Previously, he worked 31 years as a partner and practicing attorney with Krieg DeVault, LLP, where he was a four-term member of its Executive Committee, chair of its Litigation Practice and the Executive Partner of its Carmel Office. McDermott’s association with the Center dates to 2010, when he joined the Board of Directors and went on to serve as the board’s legal counsel and a member of its Executive Committee, Development Committee, Audit Committee, Finance Committee and Governance Committee.

All are welcome at Rotary programs. If attending in-person at the Murat Shrine reservations and prepayment are appreciated, but not required. Register on Square at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/. If registering on site we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

Lunch and networking start at 11:45 a.m. and the program runs 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.  

To join our meeting via Zoom starting at 12:15 p.m. go to https://zoom.us/j/710170874?pwd=bFE4ejJTc29IMlNzVmx1Wlg4MTA1UT09. While our Tuesday programs via Zoom are free to attend a suggested donation of $3 – $5 is appreciated in lieu of the typical room fee. These contributions help defray the cost of our hybrid meetings. Please note that donations to the Rotary Club of Indianapolis are not tax deductible. You can support our hybrid meetings at https://rotary-club-of-indianapolis.square.site/

Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795

If joining via a mobile phone for audio only click one of the following numbers: 
+13126266799,,710170874#,,#,821795# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,710170874#,,#,821795# US (New York)

You can also join us from a landline phone.
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 710 170 874
Password: 821795

Upcoming Programs: 
October 22: Special Networking Program
October 29: Fifth Tuesday Service Project for Wheeler Mission
November 5: Beth Stubbs, Rotary International Director
November 12: Veterans Day Program
November 19 Mitch Frazier, President & CEO, AgriNovus Indiana

About Rotary Club of Indianapolis