Special Message
A special message from President Nick Reich:
I am excited to share our plans for restarting our in-person Rotary Club of Indianapolis luncheon meetings at Ivy Tech on Tuesday, September 1st.
First and foremost, the well-being and safety of our members is our top priority and of paramount importance. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have and will continue to monitor and comply with the recommendations/orders from Governor Holcomb and Indianapolis Mayor Hogsett.
The responsibility to keep others healthy is one that we all share. If you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please do not attend in-person meetings.
Outlined below is the process for resuming our in-person meetings:
- Reservations and prepayment will be required and processed through Square no later than the Friday before the program.
- Self-check questions will be posted on the registration page and near the entry of the building.
- Box lunches with be available with disposable utensils or a lunch buffet served by MBP staff.
- The Hospitality team will check-in members and guests.
- There will be no 50/50.
- There will be no gathering/loitering in the lobby.
- Masks will be required.
- Rotarians are asked to keep their name badge after wearing and not return them to the name badge containers.
- The room will be set with rounds of 2 people per table.
- Guests will be introduced from the podium and asked to stand when recognized instead of passing the microphone around.
- Hand sanitizer will be available
- All meetings will be broadcast on Facebook Live or Zoom and later posted on our YouTube Channel.
- We encourage committees to continue meeting via Zoom.
As we navigate through the restart of our meetings, I want to personally thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation so we can meet safely to share in the fellowship that we have all sorely missed in the past few months. I feel fortunate to be part of this strong and supportive organization during these challenging times and look forward to welcoming you back (from a distance) on September 1, 2020!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me or any of the officers.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Nick Reich
President, Rotary Club of Indianapolis