Thank you Community Service Committee Rotarians!
The Community Service Committee did it again! It was another successful project /clean up for a Tangram sponsored home. Tangram is a nonprofit that provides services for adults with disabilities. Thanks to Jim Bernhardt for bringing this amazing organization to our attention. His wife Kathy works in the corporate office and another Rotarian Connie Dillman is part of our club!
Over the years we have painted barns red, trimmed shrubbery, raked up stone in favor of mulch, planted flowers, picked up trash, cleaned up fence row and taken down old broken chain link fence. We even spent a couple rainy weekends painting the inside of one home!
Working on the east side of Indianapolis we did a lot of the above including rotor tilling down a mound of dirt on the front lawn from a broken water pipe so a lawn could be planted….we even did that! We even mulched around the big tree in the front yard. It was a morning well spent….we felt good and a lot dirty!!
Many thanks go out to all who participated: Jim Bernhardt, Zack Conner, Holly Dunn, Joe Gaafar, Jennifer Hobbs, Vern Hobbs (husband), Marie Koenig, Norm Melzer, Jim Narmore!