Better Know a Member – Kaitlin Ferries
Describe your profession and what is your favorite part of it?
I’m the Director of Communications for the Dyslexia Institute of Indiana. We exist to help the one in five individuals with dyslexia overcome their unanticipated inability to read. I’m responsible for our organization’s internal and external communication, special events, and public relations. I love being able to tell the stories of our students whose lives are changed when they go through our multisensory instruction. On average, our students achieve a 2.5 grade level increase in core language skills after six months of instruction.
What do you like to do when you are not working?
When I’m not working, I love spending time with my husband, daughter and our dogs. You’ll also find me making any excuse I can to entertain friends and family or redecorating our home over and over again.
What is the most satisfying benefit you get from being a Rotarian?
The connection to our community is the most satisfying benefit that I get from being a Rotarian. The impact a single group of individuals can have on a community and the world is limitless, and that is exciting.
Tell us about your family.
I’m married to my husband, Ian, and we have a two-year old daughter, Mary Beth. We also have dog-children, Bentley and Laila.
Share one thing people do not know about you.
I grew up tap dancing and Irish step dancing (think Riverdance) for sixteen years. I’ve since retired my shoes!
Share some “words to live by,” or your favorite quote.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
What would you be doing if you were not in your present profession, today?
I would be an interior designer.
Outside of Rotary, please share other interesting civic or community involvement of which you are a part.
Working in the nonprofit sector, I’m extremely involved in the Dyslexia Institute of Indiana’s events and fundraisers like the Indiana Author’s Breakfast and Indianapolis Monthly Dream Home. I also mentor young women through Girls Inc. and am a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
In ten years, I see myself continuing to work for the Dyslexia Institute of Indiana – serving the one in five individuals who has dyslexia. If we are blessed enough to have more children, there will be more a few more Ferries’ in our family too!