Thank You Rotarians!
96 Rotarians, record 900 Senior Boxes, record 1950 Back Sacks. Woo-hoo! And our NEWEST Rotarian, C. John Brown, who we just approved at the board meeting last week, attended with his son and had a good time! It was a good day! Good mix of officers, seasoned Rotarians, new Rotarians, and newly elected board members (Orion Bell, Bill Bubenzer, and Mike Howard). Those in attendance were: Beth Hallowell, Bill Batt, Bill Bubenzer, Carole Darst, Chad Lund, Charlie Bell, Charlie Meyer, Daniel Taylor, Dave Warder, David Gregg, David Lewis, David Yeley, Janet Harris, Jeff Lake, Jennifer Hobbs, Jim Boots, Joe Gaafar, John Brown, John Roesch, Judy Stewart, Katte Hanner, Kendall Millard, Kevin Etzkorn, Kitte Allen, Lisa Jeff, Lucia Carter, Lynnette Hanes, Matt Burnett, Matt Will, Melissa Farmer, Michael Joyce, Michael Schiele, Mike Howard, Mike Shanley, Mo Wildey, Murvin Enders, Nathan Connor, Norm Melzer, Orion Bell, Pat Garten, Ramona Adams, Robyn Crosson, Scott Tant, Sheila Carlson, Susie Harmless, Tom Fisher, Tony Pearson.